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Sales growth even in a crisis: three rules

Sales growth

How do quality control, customer training, and the influencer mobile app work to increase sales? Construction company case study.

Despite the obviously difficult situation in the global economy, the construction industry manages to show impressive growth. I propose to talk about the rules that allow you to rise up even in a crisis.
Fighting negativity on the Internet

The fact that today a business cannot live in isolation from the Internet reality is no longer in doubt. The World Wide Web has become a platform where you can exchange both good and bad. And most importantly, negativity, even if there is not so much of it, has every chance of remaining on the Internet, if not forever, then for a long time. Our experience has shown that to level the number of negative responses, to anticipate their appearance, you can look at the product through the eyes of the buyer. So, we got an audit directly at the points of sale.

Torn packaging, damage on the surface of the slab, uneven edges – all this immediately appears on social networks and forums. Of course, the seller’s task is to respond as quickly as possible: contact the buyer, solve the problem individually, and send a claim to the factory if necessary. But this is rather a situational solution to the problem. We have turned customer feedback into a real working tool.

How to do it?

regularly assess the quality of products at points of sale;
ensure the timely transfer of information to the enterprise;
monitor the elimination of the causes of such problems at the production stage.

We have launched a quality monitoring system in retail. Independent experts in retail outlets audit products according to the developed checklist, provide a photo report. Based on the information received, a report is generated for the plant. This document provides a detailed analysis of key parameters: XPS board surface quality, packaging reliability, marking appearance, edge quality, etc. Such feedback allows for preventive measures: a lot of complaints about the condition of the edge of the boards is a signal for the enterprise to direct the focus of attention to this zone and fix the problem.

Teach and educate

The main difference between the European low-rise construction market and the Russian one is the existence of regulations and standards. In Europe, the owner of a private house is protected from a careless builder. In Russia, however, no one controls the CCM market, the norms are either practically absent here or are morally outdated. And no one monitors the observance of the existing ones. It turns out that each owner defends himself as best he can.

For so many years of work in the construction market, our experts have accumulated enough experience in the field of insulation of various structures. The company is ready to share it with customers. So, we got the idea to create various training programs. We have developed and implemented online courses. With several aggregator platforms that collected a large base of performers, we created joint projects, within which they explained: how to choose the right materials, carry out insulation work, check your contractor, how he complies with technology.